Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 5

Today I ate 1,612 calories and burnt 214 making my balance at 602. So I didnt do THAT bad today but I look back and see the small things that I totally could have done without...and Its the small things that just kill your day! I had a very large dinner with an elaborate dessert, and I ate the 300 cal. taco! I didnt need the taco...the chicken salad was huge enough! Without that little taco(it was good by the way), I would have been well under 1,500 calories and my balance would have been 900! It was totally not worth it...anyways, on a good note, I had a ton of energy around lunch and begged my husband to go for a walk with he did and I jogged around him in circles part of the way...and then up those big hills again. I just love those! So I did ok on excersize but would still like to fit in a little more. All in all, a good day but with one dumb move.

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