Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baby on the way!

For those of you who dont already know, Im pregnant! This may be old news but I dont always share the details. We had been trying to get pregnant for about 9 frustrating. But with a little test of faith, it happened. I knew that was normal for most but I was still hoping for it more and more every month. We found out just a week before Christmas and waited almost a week to tell our families. That was soo hard and the longest week of all! Of coarse we couldnt keep our mouths shut and told some friends in the mean time.
Only 14 weeks in, we found out we are having a little boy! Go blue team! Secretly I was hoping for a little girl but I was actually very relieved. I had 2 older brothers myself and I would want my little girl to have an older brother too. This way, if one comes along later, that will happen. With nursery colors all picked out, and shower plans being made, now its just waiting time.
Im now 18 weeks along and there is soo much more waiting to be done! Im not even half way through yet but I must say, time does fly. It just seems like a long way away until August. I actually repeated weeks 12-14 because my due date was set back. I had a feeling about this anyways ( a mother always knows), but sure doesnt make the time go by faster.
We keep changing our minds on names..It feels like every week is different. But actually right now, we like Reid Riley Boyer. It has stuck the longest out of anything else. About 3 weeks, which is amazing! So it might be that! Daddy even started calling him by his name! He will be an amazing father. We are both so excited!
Thats all the update for now. All tests and ultrasounds have come back positive, and Im feeling great (now finally). knock on wood! Till next time

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Boyer famiy! Your little boy is gonna be so cute. Motherhood is the best! Yaaaay!
